Having Fun With Your Dog: Why Walking Your Dog is Essential

When listing the benefits of daily walks with your dog, it’s easy to fixate on the practical reasons. While it’s true that there are many mental and physical health benefits for both you and your dog, there’s one simple reason to work walks into your routine. Walks are a way of having fun with your dog!


Maybe on the surface walks don’t sound like the most fun thing you could do. We walk all the time to get around, so walking your dog every day may sound more like a chore. The trick is to make sure you’re looking at it from the right perspective. Walks are an opportunity for quality time with your dog. Use walks to give your dog your undivided attention without the usual distractions of home. You can also observe your dog’s behavior to get to know them better and to ensure you’re both having fun.


If daily walks begin to feel monotonous after a while, try mixing things up! Doing the same exact thing every day is boring. So it’s important to keep the routine fresh as often as possible. It can be as easy as changing the path you take in your neighborhood. If you need inspiration, check out this list of 7 ways to make dog walks more fun from Positively.


In a lot of ways, walks are necessary for your dog. Usually, that’s good enough to get us to schedule regular walks. But walking can be more than just an obligation. At the end of the day, walks should be about having fun with your dog! And there are many ways to make walks more enjoyable for you and your dog if it becomes a bore. With a little bit of intention and effort, daily walks can be the highlight of your (and your dog’s) day.

When listing the benefits of daily walks with your dog, it’s easy to fixate on the practical reasons. While it’s true that there are many mental and physical health benefits for both you and your dog, there’s one simple reason to work walks into your routine. Walks are a way of having fun with your…