Discouraging Disruptive Behavior: Why Walking Your Dog Is Essential

Although our dogs are angels in our eyes, they are capable of doing wrong. Most dog owners relate to the experience of coming home to a shredded cushion or knocked-over trash can. There are many reasons a dog may act out that way. Boredom, stress, excess energy, and medical issues are a few examples among many possibilities. If your dog begins to display disruptive behavior, checking in with your vet is the best place to start. However, if medical problems are ruled out, walking your dog may help in discouraging disruptive behavior!


To help you address your dog’s problems, you need to first identify what behaviors are problematic and which are normal. PetHelpful’s article on misbehavior in dogs is a quick resource to check for owners struggling to understand their dog’s issues. They list common undesirable behaviors and various potential causes. In general, though, you know something’s wrong if your dog suddenly develops the behavior and the problem is recurring. For example, digging through the trash once may just be your dog testing boundaries; doing it every day is a bad sign.


Luckily, a simple walk often aids in discouraging disruptive behavior! Research shows a positive correlation between dog walks and dog behavior. A 2019 study done by researchers in Italy showed that daily walks improve a dog’s behavior. In their words, “the performance of a daily walk with the dog of at least one hour has a positive effect on the behavior of the animal” (Pannizolo & Sergi). Not only are academics supporting this theory but blogs across the internet report similar findings and observations.


Needless to say, walks have a notable impact on dogs’ behavior. For stressed dogs, the daily routine of a walk offers comfort and stability that eases their anxiety. Walks tire out energetic dogs and keep them more mellow indoors. For bored dogs, walks offer endless mental stimulation through sights, sounds, and smells. The list goes on! Daily walks address if not completely remove so many causes of bad behavior.


So, the next time your dog acts out, consider a long walk! The longer and more frequent the walks, the better your dog will be. While walking can’t cure every ill, it’s undeniable that it’s a necessary task for responsible dog owners. The key to a happy, healthy, well-mannered dog just may be a good old-fashioned walk.

Although our dogs are angels in our eyes, they are capable of doing wrong. Most dog owners relate to the experience of coming home to a shredded cushion or knocked-over trash can. There are many reasons a dog may act out that way. Boredom, stress, excess energy, and medical issues are a few examples among…