Is Chocolate Toxic for Dogs?

As a pet owner, you work hard to keep your dog happy and healthy. But as we all know it only takes a second for most dogs to get into something they shouldn’t have. Whether you left your dinner plate unsupervised, had a bag of treats sitting at the edge of the counter, or didn’t get the front door latched all the way, many dogs are quick to get themselves into trouble. One common household item that dogs might be drawn to is chocolate. They can smell the sweetness and see how much you enjoy it, and they will try to get a taste of it as well! Unfortunately, this seemingly innocent treat can be toxic to your dog. One poison control hotline for pets reports an average of 27 calls each day from owners who’s dogs have ingested chocolate. We are here to help you understand how chocolate can be poisonous to dogs, signs of toxicity if they have ingested chocolate, and what steps to take if you believe your dog has eaten chocolate. 

It is important to note that each dog will react differently to ingesting chocolate. Even if another dog was safe after eating chocolate, it does not mean that your dog will be. Several things factor into how your dog’s body will process the food, this calculator can help you determine the likelihood of your dog experiencing toxicity from ingesting chocolate.

We wholeheartedly encourage you to reach out to a local veterinarian if you suspect your pet has eaten chocolate or any other harmful food, as they can help you look for warning signs of poisoning. 

Why is Chocolate Harmful? 

The reason dogs should not eat chocolate is because of a compound called theobromine. Theobromine is not toxic to humans because our bodies are able to metabolize it much faster than dogs are able to. Because they cannot process it as quickly, it is able to reach toxic levels in your dog. Your dog’s size can play a factor in how they will react to ingesting chocolate. Bigger dogs are less likely to have a reaction to theobromine in small quantities, but this does not guarantee your larger dog is safe. Your dog’s age, weight, and overall health can also be a factor in how much chocolate it will take to harm them. Chocolate poisoning can be extremely harmful and even cause death. It is important to monitor your pet for signs of toxicity if they have eaten any amount of chocolate. 

Signs of Chocolate Toxicity

If you know that your pup has ingested chocolate, watching for early warning signs of poisoning can save your dog’s life. The most common signs to look for are: 

  • Increased thirst
  • Panting
  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Racing heart rate
  • Increased urination
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Heart failure

If your dog exhibits these symptoms after ingesting chocolate or any other possible toxin, seek veterinary care immediately. Ignoring the early warning signs can lead to significant pain and even death.  

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Your veterinarian can induce vomiting within only two hours of your dog ingesting chocolate. Because of this short timeline, it is imperative that you act quickly. Make sure they cannot access any more of it, then call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Hotline at (888) 426-4435. It can take up to 6-12 hours for your dog to show signs of toxicity, so do not wait for them to show symptoms before reaching out for help. The key to keeping your dog safe is to be proactive. If you wait until they are showing symptoms of poisoning, it might be too late. The American Kennel Club gives more details on other veterinary treatments here.

Chocolate poisoning in dogs is a fairly common occurrence but can be easily avoided by keeping chocolate or related items out of reach of your pets. It is important to remember that no amount of chocolate is safe for your dog. Even though it is safe for us to eat, even a tiny amount can be harmful to your dog. Always check ingredients on food and treats to ensure that what you give your pet is safe for them. If you are looking for new ideas on ways to spoil your pup, take a look at our previous blog post showing you how to make homemade and healthy treats for your dog.

Keeping your pet safe is one of the biggest challenges to pet ownership, but having them as a loyal companion makes all the stress and effort worth it. 

As a pet owner, you work hard to keep your dog happy and healthy. But as we all know it only takes a second for most dogs to get into something they shouldn’t have. Whether you left your dinner plate unsupervised, had a bag of treats sitting at the edge of the counter, or didn’t…

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